Friday, March 14, 2008

Updates and Stuffs!

Hello my dumplings!

No great stories for now, but several brief items and updates on previous posts. Sorry postings have been sparse lately, but never fear! I should have some good stuff soon. This weekend is shaping up to be quite interesting; chock full of events likely to spark interesting thoughts: a bluegrass festival/control burn shoot that may or may not happen depending on the rain, one last quality time hangout with my old (brand new?) friends Carolyn and Megan before they head back to UGA, and a late night waffle house dinner loaded with potential for resumption as well as redemption and hope and of course, hash browns. Also this weekend Shelby begins teaching me a programming language…because we’re going to re-invent the way that video games are played and we both thought that we didn’t already have enough to do (Him with his full time job, wife, child, house, etc…and me with my two jobs and various other pursuits). Those of you with whom I’ve already spoken of Orb Quest (it’s sort of a comedic venture into the gaming world. Ex. There are no Orbs in Orb Quest)…the time is drawing nigh. That sucker is getting made.

So, in the meantime, here are a few housekeeping items to hold you over until the next interesting thought arrives in my brain.

First off, the female readers of this blog have raised great public outcry concerning my thoughts about the apparent uselessness of cotton balls. Apparently the puffy little things have more of a use than as snowmen or clouds glued to construction paper: they seem to be an essential tool for makeup removal. Who knew? Okay, so about half the population of the world knew, but I didn’t until just now, and I’m willing to bet a lot of my fellow men didn’t know either, so there you go. I’ve helped society.

This strange bit of news out of Kansas is worth a look:

That’s the thing about the internet. It’s even harder than it used to be to pretend that the world is basically a sane, rational, well ordered place. Kudos to Caitlynne and her sis for dredging that up out of the Midwest.

Other interesting factoid out of the headlines of the last few days …1 in 4 young women has a sexually transmitted disease. Frolic at your own risk. Suddenly my complaints about the difficulties of abstinence seem a little (more) silly, huh? I’d like to see the numbers on STD’s in young men. Do we have any reason to think they would be any different? If so, why?

Something equally as disturbing? It cost the government one point seven cents to manufacture a penny.


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