Monday, March 24, 2008

Midnight Pasta

I can't get to sleep. Lot of things on my mind lately. So I'm making spaghetti. As an intellectual excercise, I'm giving myself the time that it takes my noodles to boil to write a relevant post and draw a picture for it.

Starting now. 11:58. Go!

There were a lot of strange things in the news today but I can't remember any of them, so I guess they aren't really worth talking about.

What with one thing and the other, romance has been on my mind a lot lately.

Gah! Blather! I just wasted a good six minutes whining about stuff nobody cares about. I deleted it. Drivel.

Oh wait! I have a shocking resemblance to novelist and satirist Kurt Vonnegut! Or rather in sixty years I WILL look just like he looked when he was 80. This was pointed out to me by a girl I see maybe once every two months in the parking lot of a Chik-Fil-A that I randomly decided to go to. Now how is that for strange. Had I sat at a stoplight earlier in the day for twenty seconds more, that conversation would never have happened and I wouldn't be writing this right now. Sometimes the world just astounds me.

Water is boiling and noodles have been broken and added! Time grows short!

Somehow there are NO forks at my house. Zero. I know when I moved in here with Tim we had some. Ten at least. Now there are zero. Okay, well I know where one is. It's down in my room, dirty from the LAST time I made spaghetti. (I'm a single guy, okay! Geez.) But other than forks.

I have to draw something fast. The noodles might already be ready because I have no way to check them...they keep sliding off the spoons!

*He rushes downstairs, grabs pad and marker out of backpack, and draws furiously*


Not my finest attempt at art, but it will have to do. Plus, I really think this might be what is going on.

I just realized no spoons either. I'm going to have to eat this spaghetti with two knives like dysfunctional chopsticks.

This has been a strange post. I apologize. Time's up.

12:14 Time to eat!

NOTE: Ten minutes elapsed while I scanned this picture in and spellchecked. Everything else is true.


simon said...

You have got to be the weirdest most coolest person I know Andrew. 10 minutes to ramble...draw, scan, post, and cook...WOW!!! I couldn't do it. Let me know how eating with knives goes, I might try it some time...I think I am slowly losing forks to, every time my dog goes into the kitchen, one less fork is on the table...weird...thanks for mentioning your problem, now I will think about mine. Anyways, I had fun reading your strange, but funny and cooly doodled blog before I head to bed for school tomorrow. Have a great night Andrew.

Andrew said...

One thing I like about you Simon. I always know that at least YOU are reading this thing.

Glad it brightened up your night. Also glad you're headed back to school! I guess you must be feeling better.