Tuesday, March 18, 2008


(If you don’t care about my life, and I don't blame you if you don't, skip the first two paragraphs and go to "How to tell If you Aren't Getting Enough Sleep)

Well my weekend turned out to contain everything I thought it would times ten. In accordance with Sharpie Doodles tradition, I won’t bore you with details that you don’t care about but instead give you the broad strokes: I got some things straightened out and reestablished an important friendship, I watched Smokey the Bear watch a forest fire, I drove through hail in a soft top jeep, I shared a chocolate brownie cake thingy with two lovely ladies on Pi Day, I sent an e-mail to a woman in Brazil whom I’ve never met before, and six separate people told me I needed a new pair of cowboy boots.

So let me just address this issue right now: I’m not getting a new pair of cowboy boots. I like the pair that I have. They fit me. They are scuffed. They are scratched. They are wearing a bit thin. Some might say a little too thin…a sentiment I’ll grudgingly agree with. But these boots are special. They are my year in review. They have been worn down as I’ve been built up. They are reminders of my family in Texas, my time in Savannah, my move to Atlanta, the rebuilding of Andrew Marshall. These boots have the dust and muck and soil of three amazing cities ingrained into their worn leather and paper thin soles, even the money I bought them with has special significance, and they ain’t going anywhere until they fall off of my feet. If that means I have to use gaffers tape to keep them together…so be it. (It’s kind of a specialty of mine…I’ve become fairly adept at keeping things from falling apart using cable ties, twisties, and gaffers tape. Mostly it’s a skill built up from years of owning terrible cars and being very poor.)

So. Anyway. On to the actual post.


Numbah Ones: Your toothbrush is still wet from the night before.

Numbah Twos: In a similar vein…you can still taste your toothpaste from the night before.

Numbah Threes: Eye goo and crusties do not have time to accumulate.

Numbah Fours: You starting making lists entitled “Ways to Tell That You Aren’t Getting Enough Sleep”.

Numbah Fives: Co-workers begin to assume that A: there has been a death in your family, B: You’ve started taking drugs C: Aliens have taken over your brain or D: All of the above.

Numbah Sixes: You find the intentional misspelling of the word “number” to be the height of Swiftian witticism.

Numbah Sevens: All of your fantasies begin to involve a tribe of beautiful young Amazons capturing you while on a safari in Africa, taking you back to their village, throwing you down on a huge, soft, king sized bed, tucking you in gently, kissing you on the forehead, and singing lullabies to you as you drift slowly into slumber.

Numbah Eights: You begin repeating yourself.

Numbah Eights: You begin repeating yourself.

Numbah Eights: You begin repeating yourself.

Numbah Nines: You wake up one morning and realize that you were getting more nighttime snooze when you unloaded trucks at Target OVERNIGHT.

Numbah Tens: You know there MUST be ten ways to tell that you aren’t getting enough sleep, but you just can’t think of number ten, so you resort to cheap tricks to fill the slot.



Anonymous said...

Dude...thats just not right. You need sleep...although being captured by Amazons with a king size bed for snoozing sounds fun but unlikely. O and the Brazilian has gotten on her Orkut to reply. We'll keep you posted ;)

Adam said...

Im wondering, are the beautiful Amazons that are kidnaping you transporting you back to the Amazon from Africa, or did they relocate?

Andrew said...

An excellent question, Adam. They have large canoes that they make out of the giant amazonian hardwoods. They paddle them across the Atlantic, capture me, paddle back across, and then have their way with me. As it were.

Adam said...

Could the canoe possibly be made from the kapok tree?

Andrew said...

Possibly. There are a variety of trees that they use. The kapok tree is particularly good for them because it has spread from South American to the primary forests of West Africa, so if there is a canoe breakdown in Africa the Amazons can use material they are familiar with to build a new one.

Adam said...

I think it is an excellent tree to use.