Monday, March 31, 2008

Two Drawings, assorted randimosity of my weekend, and my Dad is cool.

I had an extremely hectic but totally satisfying weekend, the highlight of which was Dylan Coffman's little league baseball game. Dawn Coffman was out of town and Bill brought me in off the bench to help him watch the other three hooligans while he cheered Dylan on in his second ball game ever. I did some truly inspired child wrangling which included but was not limited to: pushing children in swings, playing tag, doling out snacks (popcorn, cheesesticks, and Capri Suns), racing, swinging kids around by the arms, picking up kids and "flying" them, mediating minor sibling disputes, and ALMOST catching little Will as he slipped off the wet bleachers and smashed his head with an unpleasant hollow banging sound.

Don't worry, he recovered quickly.

After the game we all went back to the Coffman's place for dinner, where the kids treated me like a long lost family member and I was presented with this picture drawn by Sarah Beth.

That's me with the crazy hair, obviously. That's what I like about kid drawings, they so often cut to the heart of things. It does hurt a little bit to know that my UHS is recognizable even to a five (six?) year old. I've been trying to hide it for so long...

Also this is yet another drawing by a Coffman child that features me in a canoe, which brings my heart great happiness. If only I had time to canoe as much as they THINK I do...

Dawn and Bill treated me to a delicious dinner of baked spaghetti, bread, salad, and other deliciousness. Thanks guys. It was an awesome evening. Your kids almost make me want some of my own, like, right now.


Speaking of drawings and family, this one was inspired by a telephone conversation with my Dad.

If you've been looking for someone to occasionally blame for the content of this blog, you can pretty much point at my Dad as the origins of my twisted sense of humor. As proof, I offer these extremely strange article where he was interviewed.

Thanks Dad, for being the bizarre, twisted, amazing person that you are. I hope to one day half the father that you've been to me.


*NOTE* I've been feeling a little family oriented lately. Can you tell? Future posts will include cartoons inspired by or dealing with other members of my immediate family. So don't get jealous, Mom, Ben, and Megan. Your spotlight is coming!

1 comment:

simon said...

aren't the coffman's just the coolest people on earth? gotta love those guys, specially the little ones. I say Dylan is the next Bill, but better!