Saturday, May 24, 2008

Like, Totally, LOL

Like so yeah theres a new whats taht called again oh yeah lol a book theres a new book out called the dumbest gnearation.

Like its ab out how the digital culture has stinted my gnerations vocbulary and overall ability to function and a whole lot of other things like isnt that crazy lol rotfl jk jk hah hah

it talks a lot about how my geneartion communicates (or doesn't! lol) and how we dont even really know how to use words to get emotions across anymore isnt that dumb :-)

anyway here is the link i havent whats that word oh yeah read it yet but i plan on it as soon as it comes into that big place with all the books oh yeah library lol lol jk

im not an idiot just dumb enough not to realize im dumb lol


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