Sunday, April 27, 2008

Vegans and Dinosaur Products

This is actually true. I removed and sold a kidney to the gas station attendant so I could fill up my tank of gas. It's okay, you can live with only one kidney. I don't know what I'm going to to tomorrow though...

But thinking about gasoline so much got me wondering...why are Vegans allowed to use gasoline?

...follow me here.

Gasoline is made from crude oil.

Crude oil is, among other things, basically the decomposed juice from billions of dead plants and *GASP* animals.

Vegans don't consume anything made from animals.

Vegans drive cars.

I don't know, you tell me.

I think if we could convince the Vegans to stop using gasoline (and they should, to really be Vegans!) then there would be a little more gasoline left for the rest of us. And the more we put off finding alternative energy sources, the better.

After all, there are baby seals to consider. (See Previous Post)


1 comment:

Adam said...

maybe all of the vegans have converted their diesel engines to run on refined vegetable oil or bio fuels? And might i add that my son loves dinosaurs. He was confused when i told him that we use dino juice to power our cars.