Friday, April 25, 2008

I Don't Feel Sorry About Killing Things That Wouldn't Feel Sorry About Killing Me

I feel like a person has two choices in this life: Be on the side of the baby seals, or be on the side of the Polar Bears.

Everybody says we are killing polar bears with global warming. Okay, maybe that is true and maybe it isn't, the science is actually not as conclusive as you would think. But that isn't the point. The point is that Polar Bears eat baby seals. You think the seals are happy about that? I bet seals are ALL FOR global warming. Seals, especially baby seals, probably hop up and down in fuzzy, incredibly adorable glee every time another SUV rolls off the assembly line.

I personally think that Polar Bears can fend for themselves. Anything that would GLADLY rip my face off and eat it doesn't need my help.

So, pick a side, ladies and gents. Who are you going to support this election season? The candidate who could chase you down at thirty miles an hour on icy terrain and rip your head off with one swipe of his massive paw...

Or are you going to support this little fella...

I think you'll make the right decision.


Adam said...

Well bears were the number on threat last night on the Colbert Report. Stupid bears! I promise you that given the choice a polar bear would choose the comfort of a Hummer that gets around 5 MPH (and obviously makes the driver instantly cool) over a sissy Prius that is 'better for the environment'

Anonymous said...

Oh man that baby seal made my heart melt a little...I feel I have to give my furbaby a big hug now. He doesn't like being picked up. He's probably not happy that you posted a picture of an adorable baby seal that made his mom's heart melt and now has to be picked up so that I can hug him.


Anonymous said...

you should definitely consider a job as a propagandist!