Tuesday, April 8, 2008

An End of the World Update (and some other items)

Lots of interesting things going on lately. You might remember my interest in a certain particle accelerator in Switzerland and how that machine has an intsy bintsy teeny tiny chance of ending the world in May.

Absurd, right? Yes. But apparently there is a cult holed up in a bunker somewhere in Russia...WHO ALSO THINK THAT THE WORLD WILL END IN MAY. And the crazy thing is, apparently they came to this conclusion for religious reasons, not because of anything having to do with black holes and irresponsible scientists.

Creepy, no?

A girl was born in India recently. She had two faces on the same head. The name for this particular affliction is craniofacial duplication.

You hear about all these 15 year old cheerleaders who lured a peer to a house, savagely beat her for thirty minutes while some boys played "lookout", and video taped the whole thing to put on Youtube and Myspace? First the elementary school children plotting to kill their teacher with a steak knife and duct tape, and now this. WHAT IN THE CRUNCHITY CRISPITY CRAP IS GOING ON? Sometimes I really feel like things are going backwards, you know? If it wasn't for IBC Rootbeer, I'd write civilization off as a total loss.

On an entirely unrelated topic, here's a doodle.
This is actually a pretty accurate copy of my real Publix receipt from yesterday. I have a real problem, this certainly isn't the first time I've spent more money on books at the grocery store than I have on groceries.

Here's another doodle, what I call "The Mr. Darcy Theory".

As my good friend Derek said after looking at this doodle, "Well, at least part two is true!"

Well that's it for now. More coming soon.


1 comment:

Adam said...

I didn't see oranges on your recite. You cant have Blue Moon without oranges