Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Very Exciting Magic Carpet Just Sailed Under Nine Palace Elephants

First of all, Simon, Nick, Adam, Dawn, Albright...thanks for commenting on the Gore Porn post. It's nice to know that A) At least five people read this and B) you guys agree with me. Adam, feel free to rant whenever you want. That goes for everybody. Just don't make it too angsty. Remember, it's the Sharpie Doodles way.

On to the post!

So. Remember a few years ago when a bunch of astronomers got together and said, "Hey guess what folks? Pluto isn't a planet anymore. What's more, Pluto has NEVER been a planet. We've just been classifying it wrong."

Sure, Andrew, we remember. It was kind of a big deal. A bunch of stupid people were, for some unknown reason, very upset about it.

Okay, so remember when those same astronomers said "Hey, we've changed our minds, Pluto is back to being a planet (a dwarf planet, to be exact) but the thing is, since we've included Pluto we also have to include these two other things floating around in our solar system that are Dwarf Planet sized. They are Ceris and Eris. "

No? Don't remember that? Neither do I. I only found out about it recently, and you'd be amazed at how far I had to dig around to verify it. Yeah, it's a pretty odd thing considering how big a stink was raised when we dropped down to eight planets in the solar system...that practically NOBODY knows that there are now eleven planets to be remembered. I have a theory about why this is. It goes something like this.
Now, before anybody comments on that, let me just say that I like Obama. And I find the democratic process this year incredibly fascinating. But there is, occasionally, some other news worth reporting, that's all I'm saying. I think we need to get over ourselves a bit.

Anyway, National Geographic had a contest and some little ten year old girl from Montana came up with a new device to remember the additions. I made it the title of my post today and I must say, it beats the crap out of "My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas." Anytime you have magic carpets sailing under elephants in palaces, you've got an A in my book. Good job little girl.

But my thoughts have been running towards the trend of space lately. I'm still thinking a lot about black holes.

I've been doing my best to live like the world is going to end, and for the most part I've been successful. There are TWO conversations I can think of that I would want to have before the world ends...and I'm just trying to figure out if they are actually worth having for the sake of my little intellectual experiment.

Anyway, here are two more little doodles. I've been pretty prolific these last few days, I've only just now had time to sit down and do some scanning.

My favorite thing somebody said to me recently..."You went to art school and your drawings look like THIS?"

Yes. Yes indeed.

*Side Note* I feel like nobody got my Tremors joke in the last post. It makes me sad.


Andrew said...

Once again, I'm commenting on my own post moments after making it. I think that the global warming one is the funniest thing I've drawn in a while. That is all.

Anonymous said... do you come up with this stuff? paperclips huh? a twisted way. i guess...

Anonymous said...

Nathan Martin, if you're reading this, I just wanted to point out that Andrew Marshall said my name on his blog. Even if he eventually mentions you (in an off-handed just feel like i should include the less interesting Nathan who just happens to be a pk kind of way), he will always have said my name first. He will be mine.

Anonymous said...

First - Albright and Nathan, I jus want to remind you both that I will be sleeping with Andrew at CIY. Well, I’ll be in the same room, but you know what I mean. Don’t hate me for it. I’ll promise I’ll take pictures of him while he sleeps and e-mail them too you.

Second - Andrew, this post looks really interesting, but as usual I find it difficult to read such a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong post. Purhaps you should consider starting an alternate blog, Sharpie Doodles Shorts, or Sharpie Doodle Cliffs Notes, or Sharpie Doodle for Dummies Who Don’t Like to Read. An abridged version if you will. Based on your obscenely long posts you have the time on your hands.

Andrew said...

Time on my hands is one thing I don't have. I compose these during my commute with no radio or during bouts of insomnia. But that's why I draw the pretty pictures, kelley...just for you.