Thursday, April 24, 2008


My Dear, Lovely, Friendly Readers, 

It's time for the first annual Sharpie Doodles "Things that Make Me Angry or That I Don't Get or That I Find Very Strange" submission contest! 

Got something that makes you angry? 

Got something that you don't get? 

Got something that you find very strange? 

Submit it to Sharpie Doodles and I will write a post and draw a comic about it! What fun for all! 

But wait, you say, how is this a contest? Is there a winner? Is there a prize? 


But I'm calling it a contest anyway. 






Adam said...

This guy makes me mad. I understand the need for comprehensive immigration reform, but this guy is crazy. To suggest that our sins are dictated by man made law seems somewhat silly. I would like to ask this guy if he believes that no sin is being committed in Sudan where slavery still occurs openly. Never mind, because this guy goes on to say that enslaving blacks in the US was in GOD's plan, and that without allowing slavery we would have never realized that slavery was bad.

Adam said...

on a lighter note, i get irritated when people forward me chain emails about politicians, how to lower gas prices, how scary muslims are, or not to re-use your water bottle because you will die of cancer. Why do people send these email on? It takes a whole 2 seconds to google something and realize its not true.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Man this contest is right up my alley. There is very little in this world that doesn’t make me mad. That’s why I’m going to die of a heart attack or stroke at the age of 48. Anyway, here we go:

There is a certain church up the road from where I work that constantly backs up traffic on Hwy. 154. They always have a sheriff there directing traffic and inevitably I get stopped for what seems like an eternity to allow people to get in and out of the church. You may remember I ranted about this at our first HYPE United. Well after that I decided to do something about my anger and promised myself that not only would I not let this anger me, but that I would actually do my part to make sure parishioners could easily and safely got in and out of the driveway. So I started slowing down and allowing drivers to pull in front of me. What a nice thing to do. However, apparently 99.7% of the people that go to that church are complete idiots. They are in fact the stupidest people in Coweta County. On more then one occasion I slow down, flash my lights, wave my hands and do everything in my power to tell these people “Hey, look at me, I’m slowing myself down, as well as the cars behind me, to allow you to drive into your church”. But they’re too busy talking on cell phones, reading the latest Christian tracts or giggling about how fun the Christian Ghetto Pot Luck Dinner they’re about to go to will be. So they don’t see my offer of kindness. It’s at that point I forget about the whole “trying to control my anger and be a better person” thing and wish I had a gun and could shoot them in the head. If I win the lottery I’m giving all the money to this church to help them complete their new building to get them the heck away from me. Uhggggg!

Adam said...

I dont know if we could figure out what church this could be. Maybee we can just CROSS our fingers that they can expand the ROADS.

simon said...

I would have to agree with Adam! He makes a good point ;)

I cant think of a good way to explain mine right now, when I get a little bit more time Andrew, I will make another post. All I had time for right now was to read the post, and the comments others posted. Kelley, THAT CHURCH BUGS ME TO DEATH TO!

Anonymous said...

explain to me o wise one can be out of a job for several months then in the same day he gets two job interviews and doesn't know what to take?

Anonymous said...

This was just funny, nothing that really makes me angry, but I'd be curious to see it in a sharpie doodle.

We bought a lakehouse last weekend, and it has a dock. We already had a boat and a jetski, so Mom and Dad drove the boat back to the house, and I followed on the jetski. We arrive safe and sound, and my sister's boyfriend (aka ass-face) was itching to drive it- apparently he had a bad day and was "ready to cut lose" as he put it. So, I hopped off, sat on the edge of the dock for a moment stretching out my hand (you have to keep your hand in a funny grip while driving and it can cramp up).

Anyways, I'm sitting on the edge of the dock, a-face pushes himself away from the side and immediately accelerates. And in doing so he sends a monumental wave coming my way. There was no way out- I sat there on the edge of the dock, watching as the water was coming at me, almost like in slow motion. I just had to sit there and take it like a woman- there was no way I could have jumped up and away from the water in time. I knew I was gonna get soaked, and soaked I did. And man it was cold.


Adam said...

Something else.
Right now i am watching 20/20 and they did an experiment where they put a lost child (actor) on a busy street and only 40 something people stopped to help out of nearly 1200. But When they put 2 gay guys on a park bench and have them kiss they get people call the police right away.

Anonymous said...

There is a little shopping strip in the Thomas Crossroads area. At the end of it is a manicure salon, shop, place, whatever. Anyway, the name of the place is “Tony Nails Care”. Notice the “s” at the end of the word nail. Now say it out loud. “Tony Nails Care”. What the heck! Every time I drive by that place that “s” pissed me off.