Thursday, June 5, 2008

Interesting Hat Facts

Interesting Fact: The sushi guy at publix knows my face and tells me I have a cool hat every time I see him. When I don't wear my hat, he asks me why I'm not wearing it.

Conclusion: This probably means I've been eating to much sushi lately. Also, that sushi guy is cool!

Interesting Fact: Black people and Asian people compliment my hat at least once a week. White people don't seem to care one way or the other.

Conclusion: Black people and Asian people are much cooler than white people. Myself excluded, of course.

Interesting Fact: Kelley Davenport is the only white person to ever directly compliment my hat.

Conclusion: Kelley Davenport is actually a black man or an Asian man.

Interesting Fact: My white family does not like my hat very much

Conclusion: I'm adopted.

Interesting Fact: I've now had that hat longer than I've ever had any pair of shoes, rented apartment or house, car, or girlfriend.

Conclusion: It's a good hat.

Take it where you can find it, that's my motto. A good hat will get you a long way in life. Keep the sun out of your eyes, keep the rain off your head, and get you compliments from people on the street in Atlanta.

"Cool hat, my brutha!"


simon said...

..i have complimented your hat before. and Kelly Davenport is so Black :)

Adam said...


Anonymous said...

You made this post 54 days ago.

Oddly enough, 54 days ago was also Thursday, as is today. Curious. I apologize, it is not technically Thursday, because it is 2:19 in the morning. The morning of Friday, July 25.

So what on Earth could I possibly have to comment on about a post made 54(55, really, but I haven't slept.) days ago? Well...your entire blog, naturally.
Yeah--I read the entire thing. In the past 2 hours. And I have a few comments.
I read Slaughterhouse-five, so it goes. I have a Samsung phone-it dies. I wish I could try the Chick-fil-a French fry thing, but invariably won't. I love baby seals, and em elated that Pluto found friends- Ceris and Eris (they sound like twins).
Paper clips rock- staples are whores.
I read the article for which your father interviewed. And I also tried to read another article of which you spoke, but realized it had been taken off, however, there was a suggestion on the page to read something called "Your Teeth are Yellow," and something about Kansas Foreclosures.
Pi day is the best day on Earth.
I am forever frightened to even consider ordering the Baconator, and will settle for my Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger.
I hate bananas, but will miss them because they are an excellent source of potassium.

Blame and/or thank Michael Roach for putting the link to your blog on

You rock.
54(Augh...or 55.) days is a long time.

The captcha that is required to comment says verify the word, and something tells me "iflce" isn't a word. Just saying.